Asylum seekers – legal help

Are you in an asylum procedure? Do you need help with the legal proceedings? Here is a list of legal assistance services for asylum seekers in Geneva:

  • Caritas Genève
    53, rue de Carouge, case postale 75, 1211 Genève 4
    Tel.: 022 708 04 44 – fax : 022 708 04 45 – email :
    What they do: legal help for all asylum-related issues (appeals and other proceedings).
  • Centre social protestant
    14, rue du Village-Suisse, case postale 171, 1211 Genève 8
    Tel.: 022 807 07 00 – fax : 022 807 07 01 – email :
    What they do: social and legal help for all asylum-related issues (for simple administrative procedures see below, « scribes solidaires »).
  • Service social international
    7-9, rue du Valais, 1202 Genève
    Tel.: 022 731 67 00 – fax : 022 731 67 65 – email :
    What they do: legal assistance service for asylum seekers and other immigration issues (financial contribution requested). Specialised in issues related to minors.
  • Association Elisa-Asile
    c/o Agora, 1 ch. de Poussy, Foyer des Tattes, bâtiment A
    case postale 110, 1211 Genève 7
    Tel.: 022 733 37 57 – fax : 022.930.00.49 – email :
    What they do: legal assistance throughout the asylum procedure (finding information and proving your claim, appeals, etc.).
  • Scribes pour l’asile – to make an appointment email (copy to 
    No postal address – consultations c/o Agora, 1 ch. de Poussy, Foyer des Tattes, bâtiment A
    This group of voluntary public writers can help you write administrative letters (requests for transforming a F permit into a B permit, special tax, travel documents, etc.). NO APPEALS, NO LEGAL AID.

Last updated November 2022