Culture – « 20 ans – 20 francs » card

Are you living in Geneva and under the age of 21? You can purchase a card to benefit from reduced prices for cultural activities. The « 20 ans – 20 francs » card allows you to pay less to borrow CDs and DVDs in libraries, or for tickets to:

  • theatres
  • museums
  • movies
  • shows
  • concerts
  • festivals

For more information, visit the website (in French):

To buy the card online or for a list of places that sell it. You can request the « 20 ans – 20 francs » card simply by presenting your ID or passport. A residency permit is not required.

Good to know: you can visit almost all museums for free on the first Sunday of the month!

If you have any questions, please ask us next time you visit CCSI!