Parascolaire (GIAP) and school meals

School schedules in Geneva are 8.30-11.30 am and 1.30-4 pm. Your child can eat lunch at school (school meals from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm) and/or stay for after school activities from 4 to 6 pm. If you need it, your child can stay at school from 8 am to 6 pm non-stop.

This service is provided by GIAP. Adults look after the children within the school or in a nearby location.

This service is not compulsory. You must absolutely sign up for this service, and say which day(s) of the week you want your child to attend, for lunch, for after-school care or for both.


This year, registrations for the GIAP for the year 2024-2025 will take place from March 20 to April 29, 2024.

To register your child, you must contact GIAP by telephone (022 304 57 70). If necessary, their email address is


  • If you do not have a residence permit, you must tell them and insist that they process your registration via telephone. Otherwise, they will tell you to do the registration online, but you cannot do that without a permit.
  • If your child has just arrived in Geneva, you must absolutely tell them so, and send a copy of the pink paper given to you at CCSI as proof.
  • Registration for GIAP must be renewed every year, in the spring (April-May) for the start of the following school year. Do not miss these registration dates, or your child will not be able to attend school lunches and after-school care at the beginning of the school year!

Cost reduction/free school lunches and after-school care

These services are generally available for a fee. But depending on where you live and on your income, you can access the service for a reduced fee, or even for free. Once your child has been registered, make an appointment at CCSI to request a reduced fee if possible in your situation.